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Harbert Magazine

Brave New World

Although human aspects—innovation, interpersonal relationships, loyalty, trust, vision—remain central to business success, the impact of technological advances cannot be discounted.

Different, But The Same… Only Faster

It’s become something of an accepted truth.  We need a knowledge and awareness of the global marketplace if we are to be successful in business today. Why is that?

We Can Build Our Way Out Of Urban Decay

As a real estate consultant, developer, and CEO of a large public housing authority, I am constantly looking for opportunities to provide quality housing to underserved populations.

How do you say “Kapow” in Mandarin?

It’s hard to ignore the patriotic “us versus them” wave spreading across Western nations, including the US. And it has come on the heels of exponential growth in technologies such as artificial intelligence, or AI, and big data analytics that are making real-time changes in the way the world’s regions do business with one another.

Are you ready to run the global gauntlet?

The regulatory framework in which a company must operate is well defined in the United States, but that is not always the case in other countries where US companies do business.

Banks and currencies and taxes, oh my!

A solid grasp of finance is important for any business leader, but issues can grow more complicated in international business dealings, with multiple factors in play that vary from country to country.

Don’t fear disruption

Supply chain managers respond to disruptions on a daily basis. These disruptions can come at businesses from many different directions. Economic trends, technological breakthroughs, human resource issues, environmental concerns, natural disasters—you name it.

Education requires more than classroom rigor

The human touch. Hard work. Honesty and truthfulness. You’ve heard these words before as three of the core tenets of the Auburn Creed. I rely on these principles to impact the lives of today’s accounting students in the classroom.

Why students should study abroad

When I was working on my MBA, I wanted to study abroad to develop a global business mindset, but no such program existed at that time.

It all started with VHS tapes.

No streaming devices. No live classes on your phone.Heck, way before CDs. Before there was a Harbert College, distance learning started with VHS tapes and a VCR. 

Walk a mile in their shoes

As business expands globally, so much rests on the ability of people from different cultures and countries to communicate faster than ever. But emphatic messages often dissolve into confusion. What begins as a significant conversation never reaches the other side of the table.

How the buildings we shape then shape us

In 1943, shortly after the German Blitzkrieg destroyed the Common Chamber of Parliament, Winston Churchill said, “We shape our buildings and afterwards, our buildings shape us.”

Student fund pursues steady growth

“We aren’t turning into a global marketplace—we have been one,” says Auburn Student Investment Fund (ASIF) vice president Jimmy Brewster.

Smoothing out snags with supply chain expertise

Imagine the ten most populous cities in the world. Local economies are improving. Buying power is increasing. Retail is saturated with online customers. It’s a potential supply chain nightmare—one that Harbert expertise can help avoid.

Lenders need to be consultants, too

Like businesses everywhere, small businesses in impoverished nations also depend on loans—often very small loans, or microfinancing—to get off the ground. Whether it’s operating a vegetable stand, selling goat milk, or offering other merchandise, a little financial jolt from the bank helps kick-start the business. 

It’s what is on the inside that counts

Many companies focus on benevolent practices, humanitarian aid, or community service. But a strong corporate social responsibility record does not necessarily translate into better brand perception.